To protect your funds and ensure the safety and legitimacy of transactions, we require all users to complete KYB (Know Your Business)and KYC (Know Your Customer) verification. These requirements help us uphold rigorous security and compliance standards, which are essential for a financial platform like TL Pay.
What is Know Your Business (KYB) and Know Your Customer (KYC)?
KYB (Know Your Business) verification helps us assess the legitimacy and business background of TL Pay users. By verifying the identity and authenticity of businesses, we reduce the risk of fraud and illegal activity, protecting your financial interests.
KYC (Know Your Customer) verification is required for all individual users. It involves providing personal information and documents to comply with regulations and protect the platform from identity theft, money laundering, and other unlawful financial activities.
KYB/KYC requirements may vary slightly depending on your company's registered region. For your convenience, we have organised the following pages by region: