Bookings Organisation and Management
How to manage the display and grid.
Grid overview
All bookings and remittances can be viewed in the Transactions>Bookings section of Travel Ledger. This applies to both Sellers looking to review any submitted transactions, and Buyers needing to review and update.
Quick Views
Quick views are designed to pinpoint key sets of data for both Buyers and Sellers. Below is a definition of the six 'Quick Views' available to you in the drop down list:
Unless you are acting as both a Buyer and a Seller in the platform, one set of the 'Quick Views' will always return no data.
Buyer - Current Week = All upcoming transactions submitted to you as a Buyer, with a 'Review End' date that requires review this week (Today's date and time up until midnight on Sunday)
Buyer - All Due = All upcoming transactions submitted to you as a Buyer, that require review (Todays date and time, onwards), this will display any current (this week) and all future settlements, in instances where a Seller has loaded early for example
Buyer - Past = All transactions submitted to you as a Buyer, from the last 'review end/collection submission' to take place and 30 days prior to this. In essence, historical/past dated transactions.
Seller - Current Week = All upcoming transactions submitted by you as a Seller, with a 'Review End' date that requires review this week (Today's date and time up until midnight on Sunday)
Seller - All Due = All upcoming transactions submitted by you as a Seller, that require review (Todays date and time, onwards), this will display any current (this week) and all future settlements, in instances where a Seller has loaded early for example
Seller - Past = All transactions submitted by you as a Seller, from the last 'review end/collection submission' to take place and 30 days prior to this. In essence, historical/past dated transactions.
You will notice that date range applied to the 'Collection' field is limited to 30 days, this to avoid returning vast amounts of data. If you wish to review an earlier range of dates you can tailor these in the calendar or select a specific 'Collection' date from the list to the right of the calendar.
In the 'Bookings' tab you will notice that the Quick View is defaulted to 'Buyer - Current Week' initially. A seller will need to switch this view to one of the Seller Quick views to view transactions they have sent to buyers. After first login, the default will always be your last viewed Quick View.
Additional Filters and Columns
As mentioned above, there are date filters applied throughout the Quick Views to tailor the data. If you wish to look outside of these prescribed sets of data it is possible to amend the 'Review End' filter to widen the scope. You can also apply filters to other columns to narrow you results, including looking for a specific booking reference, Buyer or Seller ID etc.
Quick views do not display all columns available to you in Travel ledger, they are there for a simple display of data. Below is an overview of the Bookings grid, with each column header, and a description of the content.
Columns marked with an Asterix * are specific to the extended file format and may or may not be utilised by Sellers.
Warnings identifying duplicate booking references, bookings without live commercial links, etc.
Name of the Seller (supplier)
Seller ID Type
Type of ID used by the Seller as an identifiers (ABTA, IATA, TIDS)
Seller ID
ID of the Seller (supplier)
Name of the Buyer (agent)
Buyer ID Type
Type of ID used by the Buyer as an identifiers (ABTA, IATA, TIDS)
Buyer ID
ID of the Buyer (agent)
Processing Entity
The Processing Entity (PE) that the transaction is linked to. This can be a specific scheme or it may read 'Direct' for partner to partner direct CLs with no PE involved
Booking Ref
Booking Reference of the transaction
Lead passenger name
Settlement Status
Identifies the stage of settlement applied to a transaction. Transactions that are waiting for review are labelled as 'Due', this is the default filter applied. The full list of settlement statuses that apply and there meanings are below:
Due - The transaction has been loaded by the seller and is awaiting entering in to a collection. A Buyer can review a transaction while it is in this status
Collection pending - A transaction has entered in to a settlement, It cam no longer be reviewed by a Buyer as the submission for collection has been made
Collection complete - A collection has been successfully made from the bank
Collection failed - A collection has failed to complete and has not been taken from the bank
Payment pending - A payment disbursement has been submitted
Payment failed - A payment disbursement has not been successful, no funds have been paid into the bank
Complete - A payment has been successfully made and it has reached the bank
No collection required - a collection is not needed. This may be because a Buyer has rejected a booking or they have not reviewed a booking within the Buyer review window.
Review End
The date of collection submission/end of Buyer Review
The bank collection date
Payment Submission
The date payment is submitted
The bank payment date
Departure date of the booking
Payment due date of the transaction
Original Amount
Amount requested for the transaction by the Seller (non-editable)
Current Amount
Amount for the transaction claimed by the Buyer (editable) – when the buyer disagrees with the Original Amount requested by the Seller, they add the amount they trust to be correct in this field.
TX Status
The transaction status, this is updated by the Buyer on review.
(blank/matched) = the transaction has been uploaded by a Seller and has not been reviewed;
Accepted = the transaction has been reviewed by the Buyer and its details have been accepted;
Rejected = the transaction has been reviewed by the Buyer and they have rejected it due to disagreement with any of its details; When the status is changed to Rejected it is mandatory to select a reason code.
Amended = the Buyer has reviewed the transaction and has amended its original amount by adding a Current Amount.
Voided = the transaction has not been processed before the settlement cycle has begun/the commercial link is set to pending status
Reason Code
The Reason Code is only applicable for rejected or amended transactions
A – Not yet due
B – Already Paid
C – Incorrect ABTA number
D - Agent not enabled
E – Cancelled Booking
F – Additional Requirements
G – Duplicate Transaction
H – Invalid Commission Calculated
I – Part Payment
J – Non-payment by client
K - Wrongly Assigned
L – Awaiting amendment invoices
M - Re-instatement
S - Amended by System (transaction not actioned by the Buyer; System generated)
X - Failed BACS submission (System generated)
CL Description
Identifier of the commercial link, between the Buyer and the Seller
Updated by
The user name of the last user to update the transaction
Updated at
The time and date the booking was last updated
Travel Ledger ID
Transaction Type*
Balance (B) or Deposit (D)
Nett Amount*
Option to include the nett value of the booking
Comm Amount*
Option to include the commission value of the booking
Sell Amount*
The gross sale amount of the booking
Nett Tax Amount*
The nett amount of tax applicable to the booking
Comm Tax Amount*
The commission tax applicable to the booking
Sell Tax Amount*
The gross tax amount applicable to the booking
Voucher Number*
Option to include the voucher number relative to the product booking
Conf Number*
Option to include the confirmation number
Pax No*
Number of passengers assigned to the booking
Product Type*
Option to include the product type of the booking
Destination, city or city code can be applied as free text
Dest Country*
Destination country
Seller Notes*
Optional notes field for the Seller to provide an additional message to the Buyer
Seller Invoice Number*
Seller invoice number if applicable
Buyer Booking Reference*
Buyer booking reference if applicable
Optional 1*
additional optional field to be used as agreed with partner
Optional 2*
additional optional field to be used as agreed with partner
Optional 3*
additional optional field to be used as agreed with partner
It is important to note that the full list of columns are not all displayed in the Quick Views as these are tailored for a simple approach. You can always add additional columns that you wish to view in, click on the 'Columns' button and select the relevant columns to do so.
Customisation of the grid
There are various customisation options to change the way Bookings are viewed.
It is important to remember that any customisation you make to the grid display is specific to the computer the changes are made on. If a user logs on using a different computer, the grid display will be returned to the default.
The number of records displayed per page can be adjusted by amending the rows displayed in the drop down on the bottom right of your display, to navigate between pages use the left and right arrows.
When each user logs onto Travel Ledger for the first time all of the columns will be displayed. Users may find that they do not need all of the columns displayed, any non-applicable columns can be hidden, by clicking on the 'Columns' icon and deselecting the columns you do not wish to see. The columns can easily be re added by re selecting them in the list.
The width of each column can also be amended, by hovering over the edge of a column header the slider can be dragged with your mouse to either make the column width larger or smaller.
If you wish to change the order of the columns, you can 'grab' the column heading with your mouse and drag them to the position you would prefer them to be in.
The content of the grid can be exported in a csv formatted file by clicking the Export icon. The data exported is based on the filters/columns applied at the time, if specific rows are highlighted then these will be the only rows eligible for export. You can either export all data or by ticking next to individual bookings, export only the selected.
To clear all filter data click on reset filters.
Resetting filters does not reset the column amendments you make. Columns are managed through the column button and by resizing on a column by column basis.
Last updated
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