Release 1.8.0 (02/03/2022)
Guidance notes on release 1.8.0
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Guidance notes on release 1.8.0
Last updated
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Previously, in the Transactions > Bookings grid, users were presented with an initial default filtered display in the grid which relates to the ‘Settlement Status’ being equal to ‘Due’ and the ‘Due Date’ being equal to the last 21 days. This worked well for the initial Buyer review display, however when users are looking to explore active and previous settlements, the act of filtering to find these is not intuitive. We have implemented a series of common filters and columns and applied them as 'Quick Views' in a drop-down list.
The nine quick views to be applied in the list are defined and ordered as below. It is important to note that the terms ‘sent’ and ‘received’ are still applied here, however they are now renamed to ‘Buyer’ and ‘Seller’ views. Please note that the three PE quick views will only be displayed to PE user type, with the Buyer and Seller views hidden to a PE user.
Buyer - Current Week
Buyer -All Due
Buyer - Past
Seller - Current Week
Seller -All Due
Seller - Past
PE - Current Week
PE - All Due
PE - Past
Users will be presented with their last selected ‘quick view’ when starting a new session, this will include any column changes (added/removed) applied by the user. The columns applied by the user to each view will be stored so that when they next log in and apply the quick view the previously selected columns will be displayed. During a first login session or where cookies are cleared, the user will be presented with the ‘Buyer - Current Week’ as the default quick view.
For a full overview of each of the views, see Bookings Organisation and Management.
To allow more space in the platform for the grid displays, the following changes have been applied to the overall User Interface (UI).
The display of the whole UI will be translated to the best size for the end user, this includes translating the pixels to a display that is suitable for those using a standard laptop. Previously, users have provided feedback that they can see very few transactions on a laptop, this should now be resolved with automatic resizing. Additionally, any unnecessary white space has been minimised to maximise the grid display.
The main menu has been pinned, it is now permanently on display. this is to support the removal of headers in the page display, the main menu now highlights the page you are currently viewing instead. To stop the main menu taking up more room than necessary, the picture icons have been removed and the width has been reduced.
The header banner across the top of the browser page has been cropped, now only the Travel Ledger logo and version number are left sitting above the main menu. This means there is no longer the option to access notifications or log out in the header banner. Notification already exists in the main menu, the main menu Notifications option now displays the number of unread notifications you have. Additionally, the option to logout now sits at the bottom of the main menu.
Below is a preview of the improvements:
This new feature provides Seller's with more flexibility in the due date of the transactions that they commit on the platform. Applying Buyer specific due dates will allow Seller's to implement tailored credit terms on a Buyer by Buyer basis.
In the long run this functionality will be delivered as part of the extended file format where the due date will be submitted as a separate value. However, the extended file format will be optional, Seller's will also be able to continue to utilise the existing file format.
As an alternative solution, user have the ability to create overrides of the due date (currently equal to the transaction commit date) within the Commercial Links. This will enable the Seller to provide longer between transaction submission and payment collection, in essence an extended 'Review End' date.
The override function is available at the bottom of the Commercial Links page and is displayed in the Commercial Links grid. It is visible to all parties in the Commercial Link but only the Seller will be able to create / update it:
There is also a functionality allowing the sellers to override the due date of a transaction on the File upload screen to allow even further flexibility. Only future dates can be applied in the manual override. There is a multi-select and update option to update the due date of multiple transactions.
Before looking to implement a Due date override, please contact for advice.
This improvement gives users visibility to the end of Buyer review, bank collection date, disbursement date and the bank payment date.
Previously, in the Transactions > Bookings/Remittance grid, we had a ‘Collection Date’ that reflected the end of the Buyer review period/collection submission rather than the bank date that the funds are collected from a customer’s account, and a ‘Payment Date’ column that reflected the disbursement date rather than the actual bank date that the funds are in the customer’s account. This caused confusion for users as they were seeing dates in the platform when they are not actually being collected from or receiving payment on. We have therefore made changes to the name of the ‘Collection Date’ and ‘Payment Date’ columns to better reflect their roles and implemented two new columns to represent the actual bank collection and payment dates. The new columns are:
Review End/Collection Submission (in Bookings & Remittance tabs respectively, formerly named Collection Date)
Collection (new column)
Payment Submission (formerly named Payment Date)
Payment Date (new column)
See Bookings Organisation and Management for more details on column definitions.
The new 'Company List' page sits under the 'Partners' area of the platform. This improvement offers users to ability to search all companies on the Travel Ledger platform and to check their set up, including:
Company name
Head Office (is the company a head office or does it belong to one?)
Seller (do they act as one?)
Buyer (do they act as one?)
Seller Commercial Link (indicates the presence of a CL (acting as a Seller) with the company who is searching)
Buyer Commercial Link (indicates the presence of a CL (acting as a Buyer) with the company who is searching)
Subscription Status (does the company have an active Travel ledger subscription)
When a user accesses the 'Company List' page, the grid will display as blank, this is to avoid a vast amount of results displaying. The user will need to either search for a Company by typing into one of the filters, or they can alternatively search by selecting a filter in the Buyer, Seller or Commercial Link type fields. Once a search or filter criteria has been applied, the user will be presented with the matching results.
The reason codes 'S - Amended by System' and 'X - Failed BACS submission' have been added to the list of filter options in Transactions>Bookings grid, allowing users to filter transactions on these additional reason codes.
When users accept, using the 'Accept Selected' button, a group of selected transactions that have previously been updated as 'rejected' or amended' they will now be presented with an additional confirmation message to ensure transactions are not updated to 'accepted in error'. The user will need to confirm they wish to update the previously 'amended' or 'rejected' transactions to 'accepted'.
For Buyers looking for guidance on managing transactions, see Updating Booking (Accept/Reject) Manually.
'i' icons have been implemented in the Transactions>Bookings/Remittance/Import File pages to support users in understanding the columns presented. Where in place, the 'i' icons will appear in the header of columns. When hovering over the 'i' icon, users will be presented with additional descriptive information which defines the content of the column.
Files with .dat format are now enabled for upload via FTP & email delivery methods. See for more information on file formatting.
In order to improve the logic of Matched (=transactions that can be committed) and Not Matched (=transactions that cannot be committed due to various missing prerequisites), transactions committed against suspended or archived commercial links will now be tagged as "Not matched".
Previously, all transactions uploaded to the platform where the buyer is a registered company have status "Matched". Even if the commercial links they have been loaded against were "Suspended" or "Archived" the transactions were still tagged as "Matched" although they could not be committed. This behaviour created confusion for the Sellers who could see transactions that are matched but could not be committed.